TIGER ZANE, Voice Teacher
Teaches: Voice, Ukulele, Guitar & Music Theory
Where: Worldwide Online
Near: France(!) & Europe
Loves: Pop, Rock, Folk, Songwriting, Musical Theater
Pronouns: she/her
Tiger Zane (she/her) is a performing singer-songwriter, recording artist, and music teacher. Her specialty is teaching vocal health and safety, freedom of expression, and creativity. Her experience spans 30 years and includes students and audiences of all ages. She has taught private voice lessons since 1998, songwriting, ukulele and beginning guitar since 2006, and is a vocal teaching apprentice at the New Voice Studio in Osimo, Italy.
Tiger teaches children and adults how to trust themselves vocally. Curriculum includes: natural breathing, innate vocal style, ear training and balance of tone and word. This method allows kids and adults to create a safe foundation for singing without stress and vocal cord damage. It is very helpful for adults to use in professional settings to diminish vocal fatigue and strengthen public speaking skills.
Guitar, ukulele and recorder are wonderful instruments to teach students music theory, songwriting or just have fun with. Tiger incorporates these instruments into vocal lessons or on their own. Sign up for voice, guitar or ukulele lessons with Tiger today!